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Attendance Policy and Procedure

Student Attendance

Huffman ISD & Falcon Ridge Elementary will follow state law in regards to attendance.   

Tardy Time: 8:25 AM 

Attendance Time: 10:15 AM   

Submit attendance notes online:  


Falcon Ridge will continue to monitor tardy & early checkouts each nine weeks

  • 5th tardy/unexcused early check out: Warning Letter Sent Home
  • 8th tardy/unexcused early check out: Lunch Detention
  • 12th tardy/unexcused early check out: After School Detention
  • 15th tardy/unexcused early check out: 1 Saturday Detention
  • 20th tardy/unexcused early check out: 2 Saturday Detentions

****Tardy & Early Checkouts may be considered excused if a doctor’s note is brought to campus and turned into the office.   


Attendance Reminders: 

  • Form letters are sent home as set number of absences are reached. (3, 7, 10th absence)
  • Calls are made daily to notify parents of absences.
  • If your child does have to be out, a note must be sent to the office within 3 days of returning for documentation purposes.
  • After 10 absences, only a valid doctor’s note will be allowed to excuse an absence
  • If your child has 7 unexcused absences, we will be required to begin a truancy contract to file with the courts for nonattendance.
  • If your child misses 17 or more total days (excused or unexcused), your child will lose credit for the year, and time will have to be made up in order to be considered for placement in the next grade level. (see below)


90% Attendance Law For Credit 


What Does The 90% Rule Mean For Your Child? 

· In addition to Texas compulsory attendance laws, districts are required to enforce the 90% rule which states that students in grades Kindergarten through 12th must attend a class for 90% of the time it is offered to receive credit or a final grade. This rule applies even if your child has an IEP or 504 Plan. 

· The average school year in Huffman ISD is 174 days. This means your child can only miss 17 days (or parts of a day) of school or 17 days (or parts of a day) of a specific class. If the school is on a semester schedule, this number is cut in half. 

· A student who is in attendance for at least 75 percent, but less than 90 percent, of the days a class is offered may be given credit or a final grade if the student completes a plan approved by the principal that provides for the student to meet the instructional requirements of the class. 

· The 90 percent rule applies to all absences (excluding those exempt by law), including excused absences. 

· For elementary students, this means they could repeat a grade or be required to attend summer school if they are in school less than 90% of school days

What Can You Do If Your Child Falls Below 90% Compulsory Attendance? 

· If the student drops below 90% attendance but attends class at least 75% of the days the class is offered, the student may earn credit for the class by completing a plan approved by the principal or campus attendance review committee, which allows the student to fulfill the instructional requirements for the class. 

· If a student falls below the 75% attendance rate or has not completed the plan approved by the principal, the student will be referred to the Campus Attendance Review Committee, and they will review the reasons for your student's absences, review performance, and determine if there are extenuating circumstances for the absences. If extenuating circumstances exist, the committee will develop a plan that will allow the student to regain credit or a final grade lost due to attendance. Each plan will be unique and based on individual student's circumstances. 

· The parent may appeal the Attendance Review Committee's decision to the building principal. 

Which Absences are Exempt From The 90% Rule? 

State law allows for exemptions to the compulsory attendance requirements for several types of absences if the student makes up all assigned work and turns in the appropriate documentation. In addition, the appointment must be for the student. The following activities are exempt: 

· Religious Holy Day 

· Required Court Appearance for Student 

· Activities Related to US Citizenship 

· Documented Health Care Appointments (must attend school on the same day as the appointment) 

· Students in the Conservatorship of the State 

· Students of Military Families 

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